

Company Structure


Department Functions
Chairman's Office To represent the Company with external parties and speaks on behalf of the Company externally.
President To formulate Articles of Incorporation, annual operating objectives, and strategy.
To supervise the various department's achievement of goals.
Audit Office To audit the various department's internal control systems and timely provide suggestions for improvement.
Pharmaceuticals Development Business Group To research new drugs and patented drugs, develop special dosage forms, evaluate bioavailability, and conduct clinical trials.
Regenerative Medical Business Group To research fetal skin cell bank and develop new cellular drugs, conduct clinical trials, and apply for new drugs certificate, assess and develop adjuvant medications for wound healing, test cell lines, establish cell bank, develop cell preservation method and carriers, the cellular testing platform for pharmaceutical chemicals, design cell cultivation system.
Administration Department To handle purchasing and outsourcing processing-related matters.
To establish and maintain the information systems and control the security of network equipment.
To plan, execute, and manage policy concerning human resource distributions, remuneration, and training.
To manage patents and intellectual properties.
Financial Department To manage and plan the Company's financial-related matters.
To manage the Company's fundraising, dispatching, and cashier-related matters.
To plan and execute the Company's accounting, budgeting, taxation, and stocks-related matters.